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1 min read

Counterfeit Rulon Bearings and Material Failure – What can go wrong?

Have you downloaded your free copy of our Rulon technical paper, How to Recognize Genuine and Avoid Counterfeit? This paper was developed as a resource to help you source quality components from the many bogus “Rulon” materials that have flooded the market in recent years. But you may wonder what can really go wrong with counterfeit materials ― we thought we’d provide a quick list of common failures:

Rulon is universally recognized as the gold-standard in bearing-grade materials, yet some processors claim they produce genuine Rulon when they are actually producing lesser-quality materials. To avoid these materials, you should consult a trusted source to ensure that the material is manufactured under proper controls. Without the right controls, counterfeit materials can lead to:

Mechanical failure:

  • Inconsistent friction levels
  • Lower levels of stability in high-temperature transitions
  • Chemical failure:
  • Lower resistance to corrosive agents
  • Reduction in material lifespan
  • Change in flammability properties

Electrical failure:

  • Changes to dielectric constant and surface sensitivity 
  • Reduction in arc resistance

Another good resource to help separate genuine from counterfeit is the Materials Database, which provides exact technical specifications. With due diligence, you can avoid the pitfalls of counterfeit materials. Because after all, Quality Control Begins with Precision Processing!