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1 min read

Rulon Reels In Custom Fishing Components

Here’s a fishing tale about the one that didn’t get away! 

Our team worked with a high-end fishing manufacturer to design a whole new reel drag system. The drag is actually a slip-clutch assembly that allows the line to move freely under the pressure of a sudden hook or the pull of a large fish ― basically keeping the fish engaged while the line is hauled in. 

Why did we choose Rulon LR and Rulon J formulas for this unique clutch application? It all came down to matching the right compounds to the right surface materials.

The new clutch devices incorporate carbon composite bushings for the drag pin and drag washers. With this combination of Rulon materials, the reel now produces a very efficient and smooth transition during drag adjustments. Rulon has helped to increase the drag response time, given longer wear life and provided a competitive value.

Since this initial reel development, our Surface Modification team has also worked with other high-end manufacturers to bond washers to the reel’s metal substrates. 

An added bonus is that Rulon is a self-lubricating material that eliminates the need for manual greasing for the lifetime of the product

Ever wonder if the Rulon material that you have purchased is the “reel” deal? Get your free copy of our technical paper, How to Recognize Genune and Avoid Counterfeit! Or just Ask an Expert!